Location: London
Three boys and a girl live in a friendly sharehouse. Along comes the GFC sending one housemate packing back home to Australia. Gumtree advertisements are posted, interviews for a replacement begins.
Little interest and a limited timescale narrows our choice to a man from Leeds and a Ger-man. After a convincing follow-up email, the Ger-man gets offered the room.
Moving in, the Ger-man ruffles the feathers in the nest. Not trained in the MacDonald's clean-as-you-go regime, he is quickly put in his place after a number of talks and emails over food left overnight on the stove, clothes in the living room and the general squalor he has bought with him.
Time goes by, people change and adapt, friendliness returns to the flat...
Saturday: Hark! A struggle with the front door lock. The Ger-man's girlfriend lets herself into the flat. The Ger-man has apparently had the keys cut for his girlfriend, to little knowledge of the other two guys and the girl.
The girlfriend comes in and cooks dinner for herself and settles nicely for a Saturday night in at someone else's flat. The Ger-man returns home at 4am in the morning - ready for his weekend booty call.
Monday evening: The flat is having dinner. The Ger-man informs the house his sister is coming to stay at the weekend with her boyfriend, during which time he will be staying at his Skank-friend's flat. Confronted, he is told by his flatmate that we do not live in a a hotel and needs to think about his come-as-you-like attitude towards his visitors and consider his flatemates in his home decisions.
The Ger-man's Skank-friend, snaps, raises her voice and accuses the flatmates who PAY the RENT and CONTRIBUTE to the house of being rude. She insults the flatmates, with child-like name-calling, walks off in a huff and stays in the Ger-man's room for the rest of the evening.
What a rubbish house-GUEST!! This one needs to be shown the door, but only once we have managed to confiscate her key.
Oh, where did good old fashioned manners go?
Item 49: Flatmate Fighting? CHECK!