My reliable source for any dress-up party, Primark, delivered once again.
But - Shock horror, my £1 fluro pink leg-warmers appeared to be the prescribed uniform for the majority of girls rolling around one of the two rinks at the Renaissance Rooms on a Saturday evening. Even more of a fashion faux pas were larger than life girls sqeezed into lycra leotards.. 80's? Yes. Sexy? Hell No!
As the night grew old, with more booze came more tumbles. Kudos to the venue for having enough staff to speed over to protect the fallen from being rolled over.
If you want to skate, get there early. If you want to come just so you can whip out the spandex that's been gathering dust in your wardrobe, rock up whenever but get tickets in advance as there's limited entry.
Item 53: Roller Disco? CHECK!
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